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Palestinian and Israeli Business Leaders Living

in the West Bank to Meet on May 10

to Discuss a Business Ecosystem, Against all Odds

Birmingham, AL, May 3, 2023 –

Palestinian leader, Sheikh Ashraf Jabari, will welcome Israeli Avi Zimmerman, to Hebron in the West Bank on May 10 to discuss the criticality of Israelis and Palestinians building a business ecosystem in the West Bank.

Witnessing the discussion will be a delegation of thirty-three influential business and community leaders from the United States on a tour of Israel with the United States Israel Education Association (USIEA), a nonprofit group that seeks to improve U.S.-Israel relations by fostering educational discussions with American and Israeli bipartisan government leaders and industry experts.


“The business leaders’ historic meeting series flouts the denormalization policy of the Palestinian Authority in favor of encouraging the vibrancy of a growing grassroots peace movement through the integration of business,” said Heather Johnston, Founder and CEO of USIEA.

May 3, 2023 

U.S. Israel Education Association 


“The West Bank is the epicenter of tension and cyclical violent flare-ups, but Avi Zimmerman and Ashraf Jabari have shown firsthand that integrated business can weave Israelis and Palestinians together, building a bridge to peace,” continued Johnston. 


The Israeli-Palestinian Integrated Business Strategy, an economic solution conceptualized by USIEA, is an initiative that serves as a portal to mutual prosperity by opening doors to economic collaboration between Israelis and Palestinians through joint business opportunities in the West Bank. The economic solution creates common ground for Israelis and Palestinians to do business together, providing a path for peace in the West Bank.


To better understand and address the needs of those living in the area, USIEA has served as a pioneer of Congressional tours from the United States to the West Bank – an internationally disputed area that has traditionally been omitted from U.S. government-sponsored delegation itineraries. The organization’s tours help members of the United States Congress witness the complexity of the region firsthand, empowering them to do their part in promoting collaboration and prospering opportunities through bipartisan legislation that will provide funding for integrated businesses.


“In our many years’ worth of tours to the West Bank, we have seen that integrated business can, and does, work as a path towards peace in the region,” said Johnston. “We are excited to witness this open discourse taking place in the West Bank.”


Media Access to Attend the May 10th Meeting

For journalists interested in attending the meeting which takes place on May 10th from 13:30-18:00 IST, please contact Rebeca Berger at by Monday, May 8th at 3pm EST for further information about the event, including its location, for security purposes.



U.S. Israel Education Association (USIEA) advances important dialogue and cooperation between bipartisan senior government leaders in the United States and Israel by filling existing information gaps and enhancing understanding of issues critical to a mutually beneficial partnership. Founded in 2011, USIEA empowers U.S. leaders with innovative initiatives on the path to Middle East peace, connects Members of Congress with direct access to West Bank visits, and educates as thought leaders in the media and through strategic global partnerships. To learn more about USIEA’s work, visit

U.S. Israel Education Association

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The U.S. Israel Education Association is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. U.S. taxpayers may make contributions that are deductible under federal tax guidelines.


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